Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Data miners - Companies are gazing into the future for injury prevention

Is behavior-based safety dead? Behavior-based safety (BBS) might be suffering from its own success

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: August 2013

Achieving Sustainability in Construction Safety Programs

Publication: Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Issue: August 2013

A Primer on Risk Management

We couldn’t possibly start to manage our safety challenges effectively without a clear understanding of what “risk” is and how risk can be managed. There are many websites and texts available to explore the intricacies of the Risk Management Process so I won’t repeat all of that good work here. ...

A Self-Organized Safety Process

For many of years early in my career I was watching, listening, and learning about people and why things happened like they did. I also read and studied the traditional organizational development literature as well as expanding into new ideas like chaos and complexity theories. Always learning, ...

Relationship Based Safety: The Science and Applications

Many of the responses to our first blog on Relationship Based Safety (RBS) were from people who recognized that building relationships has been an important part of their efforts to improve safety performance. We hope to get more of their stories and incorporate them so that we can all learn from ...

Check Your Warning Lights

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: July 2013

Near Miss Reporting – Practical Advice

If near misses are such a rich source of information for accident prevention, why is it sometimes difficult to get near misses reported?

Perception Surveys: Their Importance and Role in Safety Performance

Why Perception Surveys Are Conducted Perception surveys are most often used when one is trying to find out how people understand or feel about their situations or environments. They are used to assess needs, answer questions, solve problems, establish baselines, analyze trends, and select goals. ...

An Introduction to Relationship Based Safety

Relationship Based Safety: Moving Beyond Culture and Behavior was published in the ASSE Safety Professional December 2012 issue. This six part series will break down the main concepts and explain the concept of Relationship Based Safety (RBS), a new safety management perspective based on findings ...
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