Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Chuck Pettinger

Implementation & Change Manager at Predictive Solutions

Recent Posts

Building a Climate for Culture Change: 3 Key Concepts for Your Safety Evolution

Do you have a plan to sustain your safety initiatives?

BBS and Leadership Analytics: Using Your Big Data to Engage Your Team

Publication: OH&S magazine

WorkPlace Solutions: Human Behavior

Publication: Safety + Health Magazine

Keys to Sustainability

Why do safety programs fail? Because they are viewed as a short-term "program" that will lose momentum in a few months. What are they keys to sustainability and how can organizations ensure continued success? The first step is to make sure your safety team has a common vision. This video introduces ...

Big Data & Safety: Are Near-Misses Leading or Lagging Indicators?

Publication: Canadian Occupational Magazine Issue: February 2014

Near Misses

Publication: Safety & Health Magazine Issue: September 2013

Is behavior-based safety dead? Behavior-based safety (BBS) might be suffering from its own success

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: August 2013

It's All About the People

Publication: MCS Magazine Issue: September 2012

Why Your Next Safety Program Will Fail: A Call for Change Management

Guest Blog Post by Dr. Chuck Pettinger, Implementation & Change Manager at Predictive Solutions

Workplace safety cultures

Publication: Safety & Health Magazine Issue: May 2012
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