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Richard Knowles

Richard Knowles is president of R.N. Knowles and Associates, Inc. (www.RNKnowlesAssociates.com). His focus is in helping organizations become more effective through the use of complexity theory and Self-Organizing Leadership. His work with teams at all organizational levels helps to open up the energy and creativity of the people, leading to extraordinary improvements in all dimensions of performance. He has worked for 17 years with teams in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the UK. The Safety Leadership Process™ he created is a highly effective tool in helping organizations achieve safety excellence. He has broad interests and expertise. He helped to lead a market development group in commercializing new products for DuPont. In 1976, he moved into plant manufacturing assignments at Repauno, NJ, Chambers Works, NJ (as Assistant Plant Manager), Niagara Falls, NY (Plant Manager, 8/83-3/87), Belle, WV (Plant Manager, 4/87-1/95). In his final DuPont assignment in Wilmington, Del. he served as Director of Community Awareness, Emergency Response and Industry Outreach. This work was focused on helping to improve local sustainability with DuPont plants and communities. He was the 1992 Recipient of the DuPont Agricultural Products Crystal Award for the Championing of Human Potential. In 1995 he received the EPA Region III Chemical Emergency Planning and Preparedness Partnership Award. He retired from DuPont in 1996. For more information, visit Richard Knowles and Associates website: http://www.safetyexcellenceforbusiness.com/richard-knowles/

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