Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Griffin Schultz

While employed by Predictive Solutions, Griffin Schulz was responsible for all aspects of the business including sales, delivery and strategy functions, as well as product management, software development and marketing initiatives.

Recent Posts

How to Achieve a Safety Data Analytics Advantage

Publication: Construction Executive

88% of CEOs Care About Safety

Publication: Canadian Occupational Safety Magazine Issue: October / November 2015 In a recent webinar, the research company Verdantix quoted the results of a survey they conducted suggesting that 88% of CEOs believe that EH&S performance impacts financial performance.

Don't Drown in Big Data

Publication: ISHN Issue: June 2015

Predicting Safe Outcomes

Publication: Cleaner Issue: February 2015

Three Reasons Why Construction Companies Fail When Trying to Predict Injuries

How to Ensure Your Safety Software Deployment Fails Miserably... In Three Easy Steps

Publication: Canadian Occupational Safety Issue: April 2014

"In Search of" the Best Safety Leading Indicators

If, like me, you are old enough to have watched TV in the late seventies and early eighties, you may recall a slightly offbeat TV show called “In Search of…” The show was narrated by Leonard Nimoy – the famed actor who played Dr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series. The show was often ...

Data miners - Companies are gazing into the future for injury prevention

Are You Getting Answers from Your Safety Software?

Publication: Constructor Monthly Issue: April 2013

How to predict, prevent workplace injuries

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