Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Predictive Analytics Are Proven and Pervasive – From Hollywood, to Business, to Workplace Safety

What do Brad Pitt, Nate Silver, and Alex Trebek have to do with predicting and preventing workplace injuries?

The Anatomy of Pencil Whipping

It is time to point to the elephant in the room and acknowledge 'Pencil Whipping' during data collection such as with Behavior Based Safety observations. Pencil Whipping is a euphemism used to describe when workers, supervisors, and, yes, safety managers, fill out observation cards, sometimes in ...

If Safety Starts At The Top…Where Does It Finish?

Adapted from “Creating & Maintaining a Practical Based Safety Culture©”

A New Take on Safety Incentive Programs

Using Your Inspection Data to Improve Safety Performance through a Leading Indicator Safety Incentives Program What comes to mind when you hear the term “safety incentives”? Pizza parties held after 30 days worked without an injury? Prizes raffled off after six weeks without a lost-time incident? ...

Safety Management by Walking Around, Part III

In Safety Management by Walking Around, Part I & Part II of this series we covered the definition and importance of management walkarounds as well some advice on how to conduct them effectively. In this last article of the series we’ll look at some additional implementation tips and challenges ...

Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS)

(Adapted from “Creating & Maintaining a Practical Based Safety Culture©”)

Safety Management by Walking Around, Part II

In my last article, “Safety Management by Walking Around, Part I”, the critical importance of work observations by managers (and others) was examined. Keep in mind that these work observations are NOT traditional low value inspections of work space, nor are they limited to observations of a ...

Using a Data Use Plan to Improve Your Safety Process

The creation and use of a data use plan is a best practice, especially when your goal is to make data driven decisions based on information collected during safety inspections. In general terms, this is a process that involves reviewing data, analyzing trends, determining action plans for ...

Safety Management by Walking Around, Part I

Much (perhaps too much) of the safety literature of the last few years has focused on employee driven “behavior-based safety” peer observation programs. The fact remains, however, that safety is a line management responsibility. Implied in that responsibility is the need (obligation?) to fully ...

Practically Safe - A structured approach for effective control of safety risks

You live in the real world. You have a business to run, or maybe a department or shift. You want your employees to be safe. You have systems with safe practices and procedures. You are developing an organizational culture that places a high value on safety. But still there are occasional incidents.
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