Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Big Data & Safety: Are Near-Misses Leading or Lagging Indicators?

Publication: Canadian Occupational Magazine Issue: February 2014

Choosing Your Contractor

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: February 2014

Near Misses

Publication: Safety & Health Magazine Issue: September 2013

Data miners - Companies are gazing into the future for injury prevention

Is behavior-based safety dead? Behavior-based safety (BBS) might be suffering from its own success

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: August 2013

Achieving Sustainability in Construction Safety Programs

Publication: Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Issue: August 2013

Check Your Warning Lights

Publication: ISHN Magazine Issue: July 2013

Are You Getting Answers from Your Safety Software?

Publication: Constructor Monthly Issue: April 2013

How to predict, prevent workplace injuries

It's All About the People

Publication: MCS Magazine Issue: September 2012
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