Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

How to Make the Most out of Your Safety Metrics

The safety profession has an unhealthy fixation on measuring using purely negative values. OSHA recordable and lost-time injuries spring to mind – both are lagging, and I would suggest, negative indicators. Once they occur, there is nothing that can be done but to investigate and hopefully learn ...

Does Your Corrective Action Program Need Corrective Action?

Even the safest organizations frequently identify problems and opportunities for improvement. In fact, many best-in-class organizations actively seek out even minor potential problems so they can address them before they lead to accidents or incidents. In such companies the lack of large numbers of ...

Percent Safe is NOT a Measure of Risk

Virtually all companies collect worksite safety observations. Sadly, most companies collect only unsafe findings. This results in a very incomplete picture, as discussed in “The Value of Safety Observations, Especially Safe Observations”. Those companies that do collect safe observations use a ...
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