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Accidents Cannot Be Prevented if Leading Indicators For Safety Are Ignored

We’ve all seen and read the articles about how data can help us improve production, quality, safety and environmental performance within the work environment. With that said, how many of us have actually been close to a real life scenario where an incident happened and data was available, but ...

Beyond Whack-a-Mole Safety: Inspection vs. Assessment

Regardless of how it’s done, workplace monitoring is a critical and longstanding function of the safety profession. It’s also encouraging to see line managers and selected employees increasingly involved in this function as well. The goal of safety monitoring is to gain a better understanding of ...

Strengthening Management of Safety Barriers

In the first article of this series, “Reflections on Safety Barriers”, we discussed some general principles of safety barriers and proposed a wide operational definition. The second article, “Assessment of Safety Barriers”, described one possible way of doing a hazard and safety barrier assessment, ...

Assessment of Safety Barriers

Barrier assessment in practice - an example In the first part if this trilogy, Reflections on Safety Barriers, we argued that focus on safety barriers is one way to deal with some of the shortcomings of traditional risk assessments. We further talked about general principles and posed a wide ...
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