Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

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What is Predictive Analytics?

This group of 6 sessions focuses on Predictive Analytics and how we use this information to predict and prevent injuries in the workplace. This first of 6 sessions discusses Big Data, defines predictive analytics and describes our partnership with Carnegie Mellon's Language Technology Institute. ...

Observation Best Practices - Safe Observation Collection

Traditional safety inspections involve the collection of unsafe observations only. Unfortunately, this practice will produce a very incomplete picture and limit your ability to effectively manage and improve your safety program. This video identifies the many valuable reasons for collecting safe ...

Summary Report - Sort by at-risk count

Have you ever wondered what the most unsafe acts or conditions are in your company or workplace? This video demonstrates how quickly and easily it is to sort observations that are collected and housed in SafetyNet to view where your hazards are. In addition, we will discuss how this information can ...
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