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Search Criteria Filtering for Reports

Your role in your organization is likely to dictate how you view data collected in SafetyNet. For example, as a site safety manager, you may want to view the data collected just for your project. If you are the Director of Safety, you are inclined to look at the data collected across the entire ...

Contractor Summary Report - Most observed

My motto as it relates to risk and observation is this: More exposure and risk should equate to more observations. For example, if I had two working groups with similar risk -- one with 100 people and another with 10 -- I would expect more observations from the group with greater exposure. This ...

Contractor Summary Report - Risk ranking

Risk varies from one group to the next. What one group or team experiences may be vastly different than another. For example, an electrician and a roofer both have high risk jobs but the hazards of those jobs can, at times, be worlds apart. This video shows how quickly and easily it can be to sort ...

Observer Summary Report - Quality Metrics

Have you ever questioned the quality of a worker's observations? Have you ever used the term "pencil-whip" or just rolled your eyes when every observation was checked "safe" each and every time? We know some observers, whether intentional or not, deliver inspections that leave a great deal of room ...

Summary Report - Observation patterns

You have workers going out and making safety observations in the hopes of identifying where your risk resides. If observers are not looking at the right things, then your ability to manage your risk is severely impaired. This video shows how quickly and easily it can be to sort your observations ...

Safety Truth 4

The final video in our Safety Truths sessions focuses on patterns within your observational data that indicate another cultural concern. Safety Truth #4 looks at organizations that uncover safety concerns, but do nothing with them. In this case, organizations are finding a large quantity of risky ...

Safety Truth 3

The final two sessions on our Safety Truths will uncover patterns within your observational data that indicate cultural concerns. Safety Truth #3 looks at the quality of the observer performing safety inspections . Some employees believe there is no value in performing inspections and do not put ...

Safety Truth 2

If an increase in the number of safety inspections reduces injuries , should we simply hire more safety professionals to do observations? This session will answer this question through research by Safety Predictive Analytics. This video will also describe how Safety Truth #2 can be detected through ...

Safety Truth 1

Many organizations perform inspections, audits and observations. However, by examining the observation intelligence from these safety data gathering methods, organizations can gain insight into their safety cultures. Many organizations require a certain amount of inspects or observations be ...

4 Safety Truths

From our partnership with Carnegie Mellon, we have uncovered 4 Safety Truths. These truths were discovered through Safety Predictive Analytics and describe two characteristics from inspection and observational data that point to successful safety cultures and two that are found in struggling ...
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