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Attaching Photos to Observations

Some say "a picture is worth a thousand words". With this in mind, an observer may find it helpful to attach a photo to a safety observation within SafetyNet. This video demonstrates the various ways in which a photo can be linked to a specific observation -- either as a record of the hazard or ...

Observation Best Practices - Severity Determination

Different people may have different views of the impact of a particular risk. What may be a minor and acceptable risk for one person may be viewed as totally unacceptable and life threatening to another. This video identifies the determining the appropriate selection of a severity value using a ...

Observation Best Practices - Observation Counting Methods

The more observers you have, the more likely variations in the collection of data will occur. In order to best track and trend your safety information, consistency is needed in order to make accurate comparisons. In order to avoid or minimize this variation, best practices for counting individual ...

Observation Best Practices - Safe Observation Collection

Traditional safety inspections involve the collection of unsafe observations only. Unfortunately, this practice will produce a very incomplete picture and limit your ability to effectively manage and improve your safety program. This video identifies the many valuable reasons for collecting safe ...
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