Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

4 Signs Your Safety Program is Using “Good” Metrics

In our white paper, Predictive Analytics in Workplace Safety: Four Safety Truths that Reduce Workplace Injuries, we explain a series of leading indicators that allow for the prediction and prevention of injuries. These leading indicators can be derived from two primary metrics:

5 Guidelines to Creating Effective Metrics

In our first blog of the series, How to Make the Most out of Your Safety Metrics, we discussed why organizations are shifting their focus from lagging indicators (e.g. recordable and lost-time injuries) to leading indicators (e.g. near-miss reports and worksite observations). While safety experts ...

How to Make the Most out of Your Safety Metrics

The safety profession has an unhealthy fixation on measuring using purely negative values. OSHA recordable and lost-time injuries spring to mind – both are lagging, and I would suggest, negative indicators. Once they occur, there is nothing that can be done but to investigate and hopefully learn ...

Make or Break Your Bottom Line With Safety

In 2017, the estimated cost of a medically consulted injury was $39,000 and $1,150,000 in direct costs per death[1] .- That year, on average, more than fourteen workers were killed every day[2]. These very real statistics illustrate the direct financial costs of regulatory fines, workplace ...

ISHN: Safety excellence requires a deep dive into goal-setting

YOU NEED MORE THAN LIP SERVICE Safety excellence is often whispered in hushed tones, akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Everyone seeks it, and many make finding it their life’s quest. But what is ‘it’?

Thompson Harnesses Data Collected through SafetyNet to Increase Observations and Decrease Incidents

Introduction Thompson Industrial and Thompson Construction are premier industrial building and maintenance service companies with service locations across the U.S. Combined, the organizations offer industrial cleaning services, electrical construction, pipe fitting & welding, steel erection, ...

PEC launches first-of-its-kind predictive analytics tool for workplace injuries

MANDEVILLE, La., Nov. 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- PEC Safety announced the launch of PEC Predictive, which empowers Hiring Clients and contractors to predict risk and help prevent workplace injuries. PEC Safety CEO, Colby Lane said: "Powered by over 42 million data points across the PEC system and ...

The Value of Safety Leading Indicator Metrics

In the article “What are Safety Leading Indicators?”, published in National Safety Council’s Safety+Health magazine, a case is made to adopt leading safety indicators instead of relying solely on lagging safety indicators (e.g. injury rates). The reasoning is sound but creating and sustaining ...

Construction Executive: Wearables for Construction

Joseph Kopko writes for Construction Executive about "Wearables" in the construction industry. Kopko defines a wearable as a piece of electronic technology that can be comfortably and easily incorporated into the clothing or personal accessories of employees to collect health & safety data ...

Measuring Safety Observer Performance

In our last blog article by Dr. Timothy Ludwig, “The Anatomy of Pencil Whipping”, the idea of safety observer quality was introduced. This article, originally published in the VPPPA Leader magazine in 2012, further expands the subject by introducing quantitative measures of observer quality that ...
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