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Rob Loose

Rob Loose is a Safety Professional with Manufacturing, HR and Health Care management experience. Rob has worked for MAU Workforce Solutions since 2006 supporting both HR and operations functions. Currently he serves as MAU’s Corporate Safety & Risk Manager. A 1998 graduate of Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, Rob now calls North Augusta, SC home where he lives with his wife and two kids. Rob is a member of the Augusta, GA chapter of ASSE.

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Safety Introvert’s Quiet Message - A Message of Diversity

Wallflowers are under appreciated. I’m not talking about the rock band fronted by Jakob Dylan, son of 60’s rock legend Bob Dylan. No, I’m talking about the unassuming, shy, serious, soft-spoken, thoughtful folks that would rather read a book than attend a party. You know, the sort of ...
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