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Liam Moran

Liam has worked on construction sites in the US, UK and Ireland, and spent over 17 years working as a skilled butcher for a meat processor while continuing to run his family’s farm. Following the closure of the processing plant, Liam returned to college where he obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Construction Management, and went on to work as a Site Engineer for a construction company. Liam became interested in Health and Safety when he wrote a thesis, The Effect of Group Dynamics on Safety Culture, for his Honours Degree qualification and subsequently went on to gain a post graduate qualification on the topic from Trinity College Dublin.

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What Makes an Effective Safety Professional?

An effective safety professional can exist in any industry, under any management style. What matters most is the manager. Managerial effectiveness varies, but it comes down to three components: Technical proficiency Teamwork Character

What Makes an Effective Safety Professional? - Part 5 (Final)

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What Makes an Effective Safety Professional? - Part 4


What Makes an Effective Safety Professional? - Part 3

This article is the third in a series that details the qualities necessary to be an effective safety professional that began with, "What Makes an Effective Safety Professional - Part 1" and continued with "What Makes an Effective Safety Professional - Part 2". As detailed in the introductory ...

What Makes an Effective Safety Professional - Part 2

This article is the second in a series that details the qualities necessary to be an effective safety professional that began with, "What Makes an Effective Safety Professional - Part 1". As detailed in the introductory article, the author focuses on three essential points:

What Makes an Effective Safety Professional? - Part 1

When I was considering what to write for this article, my first port of call was to review previous contributions in order to see what had already been covered. I was immediately struck by the breadth, depth, scope and expertise of my predecessors. Many of the contributors were from the top ...
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