Our Software Saves Lives by Predicting Workplace Injuries

Appearance-Based Safety

Publication: Safety Decisions Magazine

Issue: Fall/Winter 2015

Throughout our lives, we have lived with numbers and metrics attributed to virtually every facet of what we do. We are assessed and graded constantly, and we fear being on the side that is seen as failing. It is human to want to be seen by others in the best possible light, but do we learn and improve in perceived success, especially if adversity is masked or hidden? I would argue that the journey—in particular, learning and improving—is the ultimate success, whereas the destination is just a marker on the side of the road.

In safety, it is all about the journey. There is no final destination, as every day brings new risks and challenges, and the journey is as unique to each one of us as it is to each company that we work for.

Read more by downloading the full article here.


Cary Usrey

Written by Cary Usrey

Cary Usrey has been at Predictive Solutions since March 2007. As a Process Improvement Leader, Cary is responsible for implementing best practices for customers seeking to prevent worker injuries. He coaches customers through an assessment, goal-setting, and goal measurement process that is designed to maximize safety improvement and widespread organizational engagement, from the field to leadership. Cary started his career in the U.S. Navy's Nuclear Power Program. After leaving the Navy, he served as the Environmental, Health and Safety Compliance Director at Adirondack Resource Recovery Associates, a waste-to-energy power plant in upstate New York, where he was employed for over twelve years. Following this, Cary took a position with Turner Construction, where he served as the Business Unit Safety Director for the upstate New York office for approximately three years. Cary has graduated with his Associate's Degree in Occupational Safety and Health from Trinidad State Junior College in Colorado, is a member of the Central FL chapter of the ASSE, and has served on the Board of Directors for the VPPPA (Region II).

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